Console Command Line options for GIT


I have an image with katalon and other requirements for my automated tests.
All my project files (tests, data etc) resides in GIT.

Now, when i spin up my container, i wanna firstly do a pull and then run the tests.

Q: Is there a command line option \ switch to tell katalon to do a pull or should i just use the native GIT cli and then start the tests?

i assume you are trying to automatically run tests in docker. If this is the case, you can just before executing katalon executable put your own commands to checkout stuff:
docker run katalonstudio/katalon:6.3.1 /bin/bash -c "<<command_to_execute_before_katalon>> &&
the && means that katalon will start only if previous command ends successfully

Thanks ma man, thats what i did.
thought i could somehow interact with plugins with switches or config files