Comparing data from two sites

Hi all,

I am trying to create a test for a page that pulls data from another location and displays it, the objective of my test is to make sure the data is being pulled and displayed correctly. I started doing this by just checking the data in location A and visually comparing it to location B, but was hoping there was a way to automate this instead.

Is there a way to do this in Katalon?


could you provide more details? Do you have 2 very same pages and you want to compare them by content?
Or you have an element with a value X and the Excel table with an expected value of Y?

Ultimately, there is a way how to handle such a case, but we need more details to help you.


I have one page that displays data that is pulled from Google Analytics. So basically I need a way to check that the info being pulled from our Google Analytics account is matching what our own site displays (with all other criteria being the same).

If you are able to pull data from both locations (sites), it is easy then. For example:

String number1 = WebUI.getText(findTestObject("GAnalytics/GetNumberX"))
String number2 = WebUI.getText(findTestObject("MySite/GetNumberX"))

if(number1 != number2) {
    KeywordUtil.markFailed("Number X is not correct. Analytics said: " + number1 + ". My page said: " + number2)

You can do this for all data you want to compare.

And if you need to pull data from two different websites, just open first one, pull all necessary data and do the same with the other one.

I have 2 very same pages and need to compare them by content. Can you help me how to do please?

The board sample visual testing displays a Baseline image and a Checkpoint image.


how about compare data between data from cloud database and displayed data on website?
in currently condition, i do it manual testing and i’ll automated it (passed when the data is equal).