[Closed] Introducing the Solution Champion Awards 🏆

Hi Community members, :wave:

Starting from November 2024, we’re introducing the Solution Champion Awards, designed to honor and celebrate the most helpful members on our forum on a monthly basis! :tada:

What is it about?

Through the Solution Champion Awards, we’ll pick out the top ten (10) members who will receive the monthly rewards for providing the most number of solutions :white_check_mark: to other members.

This program aims to highlight Katalon Community forum members who make an outstanding contribution to the forum through knowledge sharing and collaboration.

See the table below for an overview of the rewards:

Place Requirement Reward Type
1 Provide at least 10 solutions $100 eGift card
2 to 4 Provide at least 7 solutions $75 eGift card
5 to 8 Provide at least 5 solutions $50 eGift card
9 & 10 Provide at least 2 solutions $25 eGift card
Notes on eGift cards
  • All eGift Card will be in US Dollars ($).
  • A 3% fee of currency conversion will be applied to all Global eGift card orders when changing the currency from USD to your country’s own denomination at the redemption stage.

How you can participate

Simply stick around our forum and provide helpful responses and solutions to your fellow Katalon Community forum members. It’s that easy.

Our team is open to feedback and question about this program, so feel free to drop us a comment below :point_down:

We look forward to seeing our first batch of helpful forum members in December! :sunglasses:

Katalon Community team


If you’re asking: How can I know how many solutions each user has provided in the past month? Then, there’re two ways you can do so:

  1. Navigate to our Users Directory (ordered by number of Solutions monthly) using this link: Katalon Community
  2. Or, use the query below for a more precise date adjustment:
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Hi all,

November has just started, and this means that we’ll start counting how many solutions you provide from now till the end of this month to see who gets to appear on our Solution Leaderboard in December.

Keep on engaging with others on the forum and provide as many solutions as you can! :+1:

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Hey folks @trust_level_1, :wave:

Only a few days left for November 2024, don’t forget to provide as many helpful solutions to other as possible to be able to receive your rewards when December come around. :wink:


Hi folks, :wave:

It’s time to take a look at our top-performing members of our Solutions Champion Award in November! Please find the winner below:

Member Number of solutions given Prize
@kazurayam 6 $50
@depapp 4 $25
@grylion54 2 $25

Congratulations to the members above. We greatly appreciate your Katalon expertise and technical know-how, as well as your dedication to support others! :raised_hands:

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Also, after discussing with our internal team, we’ve made a decision to sunset the Solution Champion Awards and instead incorporate aspects of it into our existing Kudos Rewards Program.

:point_right: Specifically, we’ll double the amount of Kudos that you can earn for each accepted solutions to from 20 to 40.

We hope this would encourage you to provide more helpful solutions to others and take advantage of the Kudos you gained to exchange for more rewards. :+1:

Katalon Community team

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