Change base URL of WS request


I have a WS object defined and I am trying to call it twice (each time using a different base URL - QA and PROD). This url is defined as a global variable and referenced in the variables tab of the ws object. It all works fine until I try to change the url from a function I have created like this:

GlobalVariable.env_url = “
def response1 = WS.sendRequestAndVerify(requestObject)

GlobalVariable.env_url = “
def response1 = WS.sendRequestAndVerify(requestObject)

this has no affect on the URL the object references when executing the below code…any ideas? Thanks

class Compare {

 * Send request and compare responses b/t two server instances
 * @param request object - must be an instance of RequestObject
def compareWsResponses(requestObject) {

	//send requests
	GlobalVariable.env_url = ""
	def response1 = WS.sendRequestAndVerify(requestObject)
	KeywordUtil.logInfo("QA URL:   " + requestObject.getRestUrl())

	GlobalVariable.env_url = ""
	def response2 = WS.sendRequestAndVerify(requestObject)
	KeywordUtil.logInfo("PROD URL: " + requestObject.getRestUrl())

	//parse response
	def parsedJson1 = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(response1.getResponseBodyContent())
	def parsedJson2 = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(response2.getResponseBodyContent())

	//JSONAssert.assertEquals(parsedJson1, parsedJson2, JSONCompareMode.STRICT)

	//compare responses
	if (parsedJson1 == parsedJson2) {
		KeywordUtil.markPassed('Responses Matched!')
	} else {
		KeywordUtil.markFailed('Responses did not match!')

	KeywordUtil.logInfo("QA Response:   " + parsedJson1.toString())
	KeywordUtil.logInfo("PROD Response: " + parsedJson2.toString())



Hi Matt,

I think you must recreate your request object using the new URL. Once it is created, no references are updated automatically. Or update just URL in the original object.

//send original request
def response1 = WS.sendRequestAndVerify(requestObject)
KeywordUtil.logInfo("QA URL:   " + requestObject.getRestUrl())

// update RequestObject instance

// send updated request
def response2 = WS.sendRequestAndVerify(requestObject)
KeywordUtil.logInfo("PROD URL: " + requestObject.getRestUrl())

Edit: As I look on your code, I think even first change of URL does nothing. You pass the request object as a parameter to the method, thus any variable update has no effect.
See my code above.

Hi @Matt_Thurman,
I hope you can resolve the issue based on @Marek_Melocik’s advice.
I just want to inform that Katalon is going to create a dynamic web service object which allows users to send request by inputting a dynamic method, URL, header and content body. This means you don’t have to change the URL by using global variable any more as well as no need to create a fixed web service object, but pass directly in code. This is planned to be released in version 5.11. I’ll let you know when it’s available.

Thanks @Marek_Melocik and @Loan_Tran!

Here is what I am doing for now. Only the first part of the request URL is different, but I am having to re-build the entire URL using the same variables that are used in the WS object. Maybe I can execute the request once as it is defined in the object and then get the URL and replace the base URL before running the compare.

String wsPath = “/store/v1/topproducts/” + GlobalVariable.product_count + “?apikey=” + GlobalVariable.apikey + “&language=” + GlobalVariable.language + “&details=true”
String requestUrlQa = GlobalVariable.env_compare_qa + wsPath
String requestUrlProd = GlobalVariable.env_compare_prod + wsPath

//compare ws responses

CustomKeywords.‘’(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/API/storeAPI/General/top_products’), requestUrlQa, requestUrlProd)

I was able to get it working by grabbing the URL and then replacing the base URL with my QA and PROD versions.


class Compare {

	 * Send request and compare responses b/t two server instances
	 * @param request object - must be an instance of RequestObject
	def compareWsResponses(requestObject) {

		//get URL
		def wsObjUrl = requestObject.getRestUrl().replace(GlobalVariable.env_url,"")
		//set compare URLs
		def requestUrlQa = GlobalVariable.env_compare_qa + wsObjUrl
		def requestUrlProd = GlobalVariable.env_compare_prod + wsObjUrl
		//send requests

		// update RequestObject instance
		def response1 = WS.sendRequestAndVerify(requestObject)
		KeywordUtil.logInfo("QA URL:   " + requestObject.getRestUrl())

		// update RequestObject instance
		def response2 = WS.sendRequestAndVerify(requestObject)
		KeywordUtil.logInfo("PROD URL: " + requestObject.getRestUrl())

		//parse response
		def parsedJson1 = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(response1.getResponseBodyContent())
		def parsedJson2 = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(response2.getResponseBodyContent())

		//JSONAssert.assertEquals(parsedJson1, parsedJson2, JSONCompareMode.STRICT)

		//compare responses
		if (parsedJson1 == parsedJson2) {
			KeywordUtil.markPassed('Responses Matched!')
		} else {
			KeywordUtil.markFailed('Responses did not match!')

		KeywordUtil.logInfo("QA Response:   " + parsedJson1.toString())
		KeywordUtil.logInfo("PROD Response: " + parsedJson2.toString())

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any update on this?

In the following doc you can find an example of a parametrized Test Object