Can't set the Content-Type

Sorry, this may not work.

Please try changing the katalon.ini and see how it goes.

I am not sure. Characters-garbling problems are very much application specific, not theoretical, dirty stuff. Try-and-error, that’s only thing you can do. I can not help you very much by chatting remotely.

Or change your Web Server application not to use Shift-JIS, change it to UTF-8. That would definitely make your life easier.


Please try changing the katalon.ini and see how it goes.

I confirmed by changing various things as below but did not work,

1.Change katalon.ini → -Dfile.encoding=Shift-JIS
2.Update dynamically using System.getProperty
3.Adding JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dfile.encoding=Shift-JIS to an environment variable.

I am not sure. Characters-garbling problems are very much application-specific, not theoretical, dirty stuff. Try-and-error, that’s only thing you can do. I can not help you very much by chatting remotely.


Or change your Web Server application not to use Shift-JIS, change it to UTF-8. That would definitely make your life easier.

I will check what can be done.
Thank you

I suppose, all these 3 approaches require Katalon Studio Prefereces> General >Workspace > Text file encoding to be set “Default”, not “Other(selected encoding name)”.

If you choose “Other” then I think Katalon Studio will use the selected encoding rather than the value of System Property file.encoding.


URL encoding issue has been solved as follows,
We can set the required URL encoding as follows,

import java.nio.charset.Charset as Charset

String random1 = “random word £500 tank \$”
String urlSJIS = “Example Domain” + URLEncoder.encode(random1, Charset.forName(“Shift-JIS”).toString())
WebUI.comment(“SJIS encoded URL”+urlSJIS)
String random2 = “random word £500 tank \$”
String urlUTF = “Example Domain” + URLEncoder.encode(random2, Charset.forName(“UTF-8”).toString())
WebUI.comment(“UTF-8 encoded URL”+urlUTF)

2021-02-19 10:47:36.259 INFO c.k.k.c.keyword.builtin.CommentKeyword - SJIS encoded URL
2021-02-19 10:47:36.261 DEBUG testcase.URLencoding - 9: random2 = “random word £500 tank $”
2021-02-19 10:47:36.263 DEBUG testcase.URLencoding - 10: urlUTF = “Example Domain” + URLEncoder.encode(random2, forName(“UTF-8”).toString())
2021-02-19 10:47:36.270 DEBUG testcase.URLencoding - 11: comment(“UTF-8 encoded URL” + urlUTF)
2021-02-19 10:47:36.272 INFO c.k.k.c.keyword.builtin.CommentKeyword - UTF-8 encoded URL

Thank you.

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