Can't create session and start application android

I have upgrade to KS 10.0.0 and follow to docs Katalon Studio Release Notes: Version 10.x | Katalon Docs
Appium: 2.11.1
UIAutomator2: 3.7.0

After I upgrade UIAutomator2 to 3.7.0 appium can’t start application. There is an error message show in log: “Shell does not have permission to access user 10”. It’s because of my device has work profile (user 10). The UIAutomator2 keep using user 10. I set appium:userProfile to user 0 still not working.

Then I found a bug report of UIAutomator2 in version 3.x about it and has fixed in version 3.7.6 according to ADB permission issue in startup · Issue #795 · appium/appium-uiautomator2-driver · GitHub.

So I have to upgrade UIAutomator2 to 3.7.6 and it work. But after upgrade the keyword swipe doesn’t work as expect:
Then I upgrade to UIAutomator2 3.8.0, swipe keyword working normal.

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Hi @qaat.hanh,

Can you please reemphasize what your problem is? As upgrading to UIAutomator 3.8.0 helps swipe keywords workable.

With any problem with UI Automator, we always suggest you to upgrade the latest version. Thank you!

Ah, I found the solution, thanks for your response Elly


It is great to hear so. Can you please share how you solve it so that others can take it as reference? Thank you

I edited in the question :smile: