I have upgrade to KS 10.0.0 and follow to docs Katalon Studio Release Notes: Version 10.x | Katalon Docs
Appium: 2.11.1
UIAutomator2: 3.7.0
After I upgrade UIAutomator2 to 3.7.0 appium can’t start application. There is an error message show in log: “Shell does not have permission to access user 10”. It’s because of my device has work profile (user 10). The UIAutomator2 keep using user 10. I set appium:userProfile to user 0 still not working.
Then I found a bug report of UIAutomator2 in version 3.x about it and has fixed in version 3.7.6 according to ADB permission issue in startup · Issue #795 · appium/appium-uiautomator2-driver · GitHub.
So I have to upgrade UIAutomator2 to 3.7.6 and it work. But after upgrade the keyword swipe doesn’t work as expect:
Then I upgrade to UIAutomator2 3.8.0, swipe keyword working normal.