Cannot populate fill-ins from variables

I cannot understand why population of information from excel sheet is not working. I’m using Variables feature and have set up for loop automation to populate all the information to the website from the excel sheet. Everything works well for row #1, but on the second row process is slowing down and information cannot populate.
The error message I’m getting:

01-16-2022 03:29:00 PM setText(findTestObject(“Object Repository/Page_Practice Fusion/input_First_ember1966”), findTestData(“Prescriptions/Testing prescriptions”).getValue(“First”, row))

Elapsed time:

Would rather appreciate your help

This is the script I’m using:

for (def row=1; row<=findTestData(“Prescriptions/Testing prescriptions”).getRowNumbers() ; row++)

{‘Object Repository/Page_Practice Fusion/div_Menu’))‘Object Repository/Page_Practice Fusion/div_Tasks_menu-icon’))‘Object Repository/Page_Practice Fusion/button_Add patient’))

WebUI.setText(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Page_Practice Fusion/input_First_ember1966’), findTestData(“Prescriptions/Testing prescriptions”).getValue(‘First’,row))

WebUI.setText(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Page_Practice Fusion/input_Last_ember1968’), findTestData(“Prescriptions/Testing prescriptions”).getValue(‘Last’,row))‘Object Repository/Page_Practice Fusion/label_Unknown’))

WebUI.setText(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Page_Practice Fusion/input_Date of birth_ember1991_1’), findTestData(“Prescriptions/Testing prescriptions”).getValue(‘DOB’,row))

WebUI.setText(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Page_Practice Fusion/input_Mobile_ember2031’), findTestData(“Prescriptions/Testing prescriptions”).getValue(‘Phone’,row))

WebUI.setText(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Page_Practice Fusion/input_Edit_ember2045’), findTestData(“Prescriptions/Testing prescriptions”).getValue(‘email’,row))

WebUI.setText(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Page_Practice Fusion/input_Address Line 1_ember2093’), findTestData(“Prescriptions/Testing prescriptions”).getValue(‘Address’,row))

WebUI.setText(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Page_Practice Fusion/input_Zip_zipcode_1’), findTestData(“Prescriptions/Testing prescriptions”).getValue(‘Zip’,row))

WebUI.setText(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Page_Practice Fusion/textarea_Notes_ember2311’), ‘These products and services are intended only for maintaining and encouraging a healthy lifestyle and are unrelated to the diagnosis, cure, medication, prevention, or treatment of any disease or condition. This program and service should not be used for the monitoring or management of diabetes.’)‘Object Repository/Page_Practice Fusion/button_Save’))

After you Save the page, what happens to the page? Does it just stay on it, does it do something else? Perhaps you may even need to wait until the page is ready again to accept input?'Object Repository/Page_Practice Fusion/button_Save'))

UPD: after all, it works, the information is populating. However, it takes minutes instead of seconds for the information to populate in the required fields. I don’t know what the problem can be, but the first variable is populating within seconds, while for subsequent ones it take quite long. Perhaps someone have faced this issue before? And how to overcome it?

Thank you Mike for your response and looking into this matter!

Basically, after saving the page I start cycle again by clicking “Add patient” button. For some context, I’m trying to automate process of getting prescriptions for our patients. Therefore, having finished with one patient and clicking “Save” button, I’m moving on to the next one on the list “Menu” - “Add patient”. And then the process slows down and it is taking minutes for every entry to appear. While the first patient on the list is being added within seconds.

Please let me know whether I managed to explain in full.