Can application developed in PEGA possible to test using katalon tool?

Hi All,
I want to test the application developed in the PEGA ,so will it possible by Katalon tool? because using selenium and UFT its possible then i think their is no problem with katalon ,still need to confirm it i post here.

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I am also looking for an answer.

I am also looking for the answer… recently i tried to test using katalon, i am facing some issues

Pega generates the id every time newly for the form so the recorded script is not working as expected. Getting below error message

Unable to find the element located by ‘By.xpath: //h3[@id=‘headerlabel5991’]’. Please recheck the objects properties to make sure the desired element is located.

Any idea how we can fix this issue, Also noted for pega UI we have data layout id which is unique can we use that for scripting instead of ID