All things electronics! 🤓

Ah, I use it every once in a while, and I must admit it was a pretty neat little piece of software (thanks Reddit :raised_hands:) . Though my main gripes with are:

  • You can only send 1 file at a time between devices (imagine if you have like 10 or more images :cry:)
  • Sometimes, the connection dropped out (this usually happens after I put the laptop to sleep and then opened it up again after some times).

For Windows, I am currently using either Samsung Flow, or the built-in Phone Link feature (though I lean more towards the former).

They both have their own shortcomings though, for example:

  • With Phone Link, you have to jump through several hoops to send files between the phone and the pc by mirroring the phone screen on the pc, and then use the mouse to drag and drop files into it.
  • With Samsung Flow, you have to be connected to the pc via Bluetooth or wifi for the file transfer to work → I just want to phone or the pc to automatically see each other like how Apple’s Airdrop works, is that so hard? :weary:
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Sync them over Google Photos :stuck_out_tongue:

or, do it like a pro. study apium a bit to see if have such endpoints (upload / download files) and write some custom Katalon scripts.

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I miss when Google allows for full resolution photos backup with Google Photos (but that was back in 2018 me think) :cry:

My laziness is acting up again. Guess I will stay as a noob then :laughing:

well, this is another storry.
do you really need full res backup?

if you are a photographer, i suppose you own at least a decent DSLR cam and take the pics as raw images so you can further fix various…
but for ocassional photos take by the phone?
you must be kidding…
your eyes are actually able to distinguish the diffs between a 1080p (full hd) and a pic with above this res, shown on the same display?
if yes, i obey…

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So my boyfriend has recently fallen down into the mechanical-keyboard rabbit hole :nerd_face:

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it’s a known trap.
once you find out you can dismantle and resemble you are lost forever from buying cheap stuff

into my previous life, repairing things was definetly saving money.
and yeah, i did a lot, from manufacturing own LPT cables (guess why we used such) to more advanced stuff like transistors replacements on mainboards and so on.

those days, to repair something will at least double the cost, so is for hipsters.

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Luckily my bf is rather “basic” so he will just stick to the stock keycaps and switches

I think as the majority of us prefer ever slimmer/sleeky devices, one of the things that we are trading for is reparability since manufactures will now have to solder a lot of the component together to reduce the size/thickness of the devices. So, when one component dies, you would have replace most (if not all) the other components altogether which drives repair costs up.

And I guess, from a business point of view, it is more profitable to entice customers to buy the latest and greatest, instead of allowing them to fix their devices themselves, of which case they would never upgrade :person_shrugging:

I have a strong feeling, the devices we use those days have a kill switch.
Long time ago, they made devices to last for decades.
But how to survive on the market by selling just one time per user?
Or is just me, being paranoid?

Then I am paranoid, too.

with current technologies like:

  • SMD components vs. the ‘ugly’ (but easy to replace) transistors, capacitors etc …
  • advanced batteries technologies compared with 20 years ago tech …
  • more efficient CPU’s with regard to performance vs power usage vs space taken
  • more reliable displays, no longer power hungry
  • less mechanical parts in use …

… everything should be more durable.
So, why it is not like this?

I think you raised a good question here.

Sooo, as users, we would prefer to keep the things that we bought for as long as we could. For example, I just bought a new phone and I intended to keep it for at least 5 years. But maybe, about one or two years in, and the phone starts to show its age i.e. battery is degraded, apps load slower or need more RAM, etc. and if the phone is out of warranty, then the cost to repair it i.e. cracked screen, battery replacement, will be pricey, so it feels “right” to just upgrade. In countries like the US, they have these trade-in deals that just make you feel like you got a new phone for only 1/3 or 2/3 of the original price :exploding_head:

Now, for businesses, obviously they would rather have their customers to buy their products as often as possible so that the revenue/profit could help fund the R&D for the next products (and also to pay their employees and all related fees that went into making their products).

I mean, if what you produce turn out to be too durable then people wouldn’t feel the need to upgrade → you would not make a profit. :thinking:

Or, perhaps a new business model is needed so that companies can sell durable products while making a profit in the long run?

ahem. you have started to get the picture.
welcome to the dark side

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sure. R&D…


What the heck, Google? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

So I was feeling a little bit optimistic for Android since Google has decided to offer 7 years of Android OS and security updates for its newest phone lineup. However, according to the article above:

Google is arbitrarily locking software features behind the Pixel 8 Pro’s $999 paywall, even though the $699 Pixel 8 has the same Google Tensor G3 processor, the same camera, and the same seven-year guarantee.

Most of the software features exclusive to the Pixel 8 Pro are just neat camera and image/video editing tricks, and a few Generative AI wizardry. And the reason for them being exclusive to the Pro model has nothing to do with the vanilla version’s specs, but more about economic aka the cost to run those features which is why they are reserved for the pricier model (I hope at least for now).

The trend of reserving on the best hardware capabilities for the “Pro”, “Ultra”, or “Pro Max” models has been going on for a while now, but I think Google just kickstarted the same trend, but for software. PAAS (Phone-as-a-service) anyone? :rofl:

Honestly, I was eyeing the Pixel 8 lineup before but after reading this article, I think I am going to stick with Samsung for the time being, even if there software update policies is a tad behind.

This is exciting. I am for one pumped to see how the next generation of Arm-powered Windows laptop will perform :open_mouth:

Hmm, whatever shall I do with 512GB ram? :thinking:

you can run some headless servers on such a device and will work nice.
the problem is, how to get rid off the UI s**t out of it, if it has such.
there are plenty linux distributions out in the wild which works beautifull even on lower hardware

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Dang the new generation of the Asus ROG G14 and G16 looks sexy af :drooling_face:

(Don’t you just hate it when you just bought a shiny new gadget, and a few months later, something shiner comes out that got you feel like you should have waited a bit longer :smiling_face_with_tear: )

Hi @here,

Any suggestion for the picture below :point_down: Time to put our thinking hat on :cowboy_hat_face:

Source: IT Support upgrade this user’s computer

with BIOS/firmware locked, the best option is to open the case, grab the HDD, mount it to a new machine and nuke it:

or simulate a hardware failure on the hdd and or memory and or CPU and or mainboard (use a nail and made a short-circuit in the right place, e.g on whatever BUS connector, this should kill the mainboard)