After upgrade to version 7.6.6 tests slowed down

When i was using Katalon 7.1.2, duration of our tests was about 6h:

After i upgraded Katalon to version 7.6.6 tests slowed down to about 11h:

It took us some time to find out that it was Katalon version issue, but we finally did and after downgrade to 7.1.2 our tests got back to normal:

Tests was run on Katalon RunEngine as part of our CI system.
Please, verify the issue.

Hi @patryk.zywert

In v7.6 and later, Katalon Studio Enterprise (KSE)/ Katalon Runtime Engine (KRE) users have the Self-healing feature. If you are an KSE/KRE user, you can turn it-off in project settings.


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There was a problem with chrome. After we updated chrome version, the problem was resolved. Thanks for your help!