6.2.1 container not loading tests in a test suite collection

I was using 6.2.0 of the Katalon container in Jenkins to run tests and specifying the path for the test suite collection and they were running fine. Using the 6.2.1 container, this no longer works. Rolling back to 6.2.0, it works just fine again. I’m using a 6.2.1 Katalon Studio client to edit and save the project.

14:10:21 INFO: Katalon Version: 6.2.0
14:10:21 INFO: Command-line arguments: -browserType=Chrome -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuiteCollectionPath=Test Suites/TestSuiteCollection -executionProfile=default -apiKey=****** --config -proxy.option=NO_PROXY -runMode=console -reportFolder=/home/jenkins/workspace/testenvironment_master/KatalonExample/report -projectPath=/tmp/katalon_execute/project
14:10:21 INFO: User working dir: /tmp/katalon_execute/workspace
14:10:21 INFO: User home: /root
14:10:21 INFO: Java vendor: Oracle Corporation
14:10:21 INFO: Java version: 1.8.0_191
14:10:21 INFO: Local OS: Linux 64bit
14:10:21 INFO: CPU load: 53%
14:10:21 INFO: Total memory: 24107 MB
14:10:21 INFO: Free memory: 2961 MB
14:10:24 Project path is a folder.
14:10:24 Examine file ‘.classpath’.
14:10:24 Examine folder ‘Test Suites’.
14:10:24 Examine folder ‘Object Repository’.
14:10:24 Examine folder ‘Test Cases’.
14:10:24 Examine folder ‘settings’.
14:10:24 Examine folder ‘Include’.
14:10:24 Examine folder ‘Profiles’.
14:10:24 Examine file ‘console.properties’.
14:10:24 Examine file ‘KatalonExample.prj’.
14:10:24 Found project file ‘/tmp/katalon_execute/project/KatalonExample.prj’.
14:10:24 Examine folder ‘Scripts’.
14:10:24 Opening project file: /tmp/katalon_execute/project/KatalonExample.prj
14:10:26 Generating global variables…
14:10:28 Parsing custom keywords…
14:10:29 Project ‘KatalonExample’ opened

13:53:48 INFO: Katalon Version: 6.2.1
13:53:48 INFO: Command-line arguments: -browserType=Chrome -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuiteCollectionPath=Test Suites/TestSuiteCollection -executionProfile=default -apiKey=****** --config -proxy.option=NO_PROXY -runMode=console -reportFolder=/home/jenkins/workspace/testenvironment_master/KatalonExample/report -projectPath=/tmp/katalon_execute/project/bin/KatalonExample.prj
13:53:48 /tmp/katalon_execute/project/KatalonExample.prj
13:53:48 INFO: User working dir: /tmp/katalon_execute/workspace
13:53:48 INFO: User home: /root
13:53:48 INFO: Java vendor: Oracle Corporation
13:53:48 INFO: Java version: 1.8.0_191
13:53:48 INFO: Local OS: Linux 64bit
13:53:48 INFO: CPU load: 47%
13:53:48 INFO: Total memory: 24107 MB
13:53:48 INFO: Free memory: 3525 MB
13:53:51 Opening project file: /tmp/katalon_execute/project/bin/KatalonExample.prj
13:53:51 /tmp/katalon_execute/project/KatalonExample.prj
13:53:51 Invalid argument: Cannot find project ‘/tmp/katalon_execute/project/bin/KatalonExample.prj
13:53:51 /tmp/katalon_execute/project/KatalonExample.prj’.
13:53:52 + ret_code=4

I also have the same issue. Any one looking into the issue?

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This is maybe the different:

  • v6.2.0: -projectPath=/tmp/katalon_execute/project
  • v6.2.1: -projectPath=/tmp/katalon_execute/project/bin/KatalonExample.prj

Please corrent your -projectPath arguments.


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@duyluong -projectPath cannot be used when running Katalon in the container.

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