"Import Keywords from Git" is behaving wrongly

@Katalon team:

To get to the point again: If I want to import a Keywords directory from a repository that was created with the Git client of Katalon Studio itself and therefore also contains the project root, then this Keywords subdirectory should not be nested into an additional Keywords directory layer.

From my point of view, all you have to do is remove this Keywords layer from the destination path given during the import or allow me to do it myself. Unfortunately it is not (yet) possible to edit it:

The icing on the cake, of course, would be if you could offer me the needed .gitignore file to create such a pure Keywords repository, so that I don’t have to worry myself about ignoring all files outside the Keywords subdirectory.

But the second alternative, however, would certainly be even better: Already during the Git export, it should be possible to create the Keywords directory as a separate repository without the project root. After all, the Keywords are treated as an artifact during the import, because in this case you don’t want to cause any changes to the rest of the project.
