Unable to Click on Button

I am a beginner in Automation Testing and unable to find solution for how to click on Buttons
Even though this button is not clicked, My test case did not fail and that iss kinda strange behaviour

Below is My Code -


‘go to URL’

WebUI.navigateToUrl(‘Life Insurance | Compare Quotes and Find the Best Rate - RATESDOTCA’)

‘Enter Post code - Go to next Page’

WebUI.setText(findTestObject(‘Rates Page 1/Page_Life Insurance Comparison/input_postal_code’), ‘M4P1R3’)

WebUI.verifyTextPresent(‘Get Quotes’, false)

WebUI.click(findTestObject(‘Rates Page 1/Page_Life Insurance Comparison/button_Get Quotes’))

**HTML Tags - **

Get Quotes

Xpath used in Object repository - //button[@id=‘submit’]

I have tried some other variations but in all cases button is not clicked
Submit instead of Click
Use other attributed like class, Id etc

Russ Thomas said:

Tips and Tricks index - Tips & Tricks - Katalon Community

Hi Russ

I am not able to grasp can you be more specific regarding what is it that I am doing wrong

This is not a forum to ask questions. Post your question under “Web Testing” here:

Thank you Russ