Open Menú or check ? in same tr

Hi, Attempt to click open a menu option, however katalon performs a check action, how to perform the action of opening the menu?

inside a table its a grid:

wrong action check option:

correct action open menú:

properties of the object

There is no error in the log, because the action is completed by clicking on the when executing the tests and activating the check;

When performing the action manually everything works fine and the menu opens, I need as well as manually to run the test in katalon open the menu.

Important note:

- I added delay before clicking on the and it does not work

- Try to map the + button but it is not possible to katalon see as object the complete

- Try to use as xpath: relative and absolute and it does not work

- I hear suggestions, thanks


9-13-2018 4-0s5-43 PM.png

9-13-2018 4-07-d39 PM.png

problem solution:


WebUI.sendKeys(findTestObject(‘XXXXXXX’), Keys.chord(Keys.ENTER))