How to show executionProfile in the test run from Analytics

I want to see which executionProfile is being used for the test run in Analytics.
How to achieve that?

I can see a ‘View Environment Details’ button in the test report from Analytics. But nothing in there???


I think you should follow this flow: from your project of Katalon Analytics → click on any ID of ‘Executions’ (for examples: #1) → It will display like the below picture. Click on ‘View Environment Details’ → you will see ‘execution.general.executionProfile’ as your profile you chose for this test suite.

Hope it useful for you.


yeah, I also tried that. But all my testruns show empty in the ‘View Environment Details’ . is there something i didn’t setup properly?

Screen Shot 2018-08-20 at 9.43.29 PM.png

Could you please show your logs and results in Katalon Studio after you execute this Test suite?

oh, just found out that if I use command line (‘java -jar katalon-report-uploader-0.0.1.jar’) to upload test results, the ‘View Environment Details’ will show up properly.

It seems the issue is in uploading test results from the IDE. BTW, I can see all the test environment details from the test suite result in the IDE.


I have logged a ticket for your report to the queue. The team will further investigate the issue.

Thank you for reporting bugs to us,