How to create a test that saves the token of my API

I need to access my Api and then make GET AND POST requests and be able to show this result in the katalon. I attack any kind of help you can give me.

you just need to process headers from 1st response, and store token in variable so it can be used in construction of header in following request something like this:

def token = response.getHeaderFields().tokenCookie 
myCookie = new Cookie("token", token)
new Response = WS.sendRequest(findTestObject(ro.getObjectId(),[('COOKIE'): myCookie]))

i dont know how exacly your token looks like and if you can send it as cookie or you need to set it directly as headers this is request definition


where I have to write the code, I have to create a test case and define
the path of the object get or pos where I wait for the token?

Fernando Espinoza said:

***cut*** I have to create a test case and define
the path of the object get or pos where I wait for the token?

yes, exactly

How do I define the route to the object, is it right there?

def request = WS.sendRequest(findTestObject(‘User/GetUserDetails’))

that looks good… just small fix (wording) result of WS.sendRequest() is response - so you will not be mistaken by yourself when processing variable

I have one more question, how do you know this code, where will you get the token? that
is, where do I define the API url, would I need to write a code where I
wrote the credentials of the API in order to have the token and then
tomasen the token a global variable?

that depends on type of authentication. in my case i needed to authenticate against kerberos server, i used libraries for that purpose. if you have OAuth 1.0 you can set that directly in request definition, otherwise you need to use existing library or write your own.

I tried this code

def token = response.getHeaderFields().tokenCookie 
myCookie = new Cookie("token", token)
def newResponse = WS.sendRequest(findTestObject(ro.getObjectId(),[('COOKIE'): myCookie]))

but i am getting
05-28-2019 10:00:31 PM - [START] - Start Test Case : Verification
05-28-2019 10:00:32 PM - [ERROR] - Verification FAILED because (of) (Stack trace: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
WSVerification1559073632137: 22: unable to resolve class Cookie
@ line 22, column 63.
elds().tokenCookie myCookie = new Cookie

1 error

at org.codehaus.groovy.control.ErrorCollector.failIfErrors(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.applyToSourceUnits(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.doPhaseOperation(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.compile(
at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.doParseClass(
at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.parseClass(
at com.kms.katalon.core.main.ScriptEngine.getScript(
at com.kms.katalon.core.main.ScriptEngine.runScriptAsRawText(
at com.kms.katalon.core.main.WSVerificationExecutor.runScript(
at com.kms.katalon.core.main.WSVerificationExecutor.doExecute(
at com.kms.katalon.core.main.WSVerificationExecutor.processExecutionPhase(
at com.kms.katalon.core.main.WSVerificationExecutor.accessMainPhase(
at com.kms.katalon.core.main.WSVerificationExecutor.execute(
at com.kms.katalon.core.main.TestCaseMain.runWSVerificationScript(
at com.kms.katalon.core.main.TestCaseMain$runWSVerificationScript$ Source)
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(
at groovy.lang.GroovyShell.runScriptOrMainOrTestOrRunnable(
at groovy.ui.GroovyMain.processOnce(
at groovy.ui.GroovyMain.process(
at groovy.ui.GroovyMain.processArgs(
at groovy.ui.GroovyMain.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

05-28-2019 10:00:32 PM - [END] - End Test Case : Verification

can you help



you need to import libraries for cookies CTRL+SHIFT+O

import org.openqa.selenium.Cookie

Thanks. now i get no such property error
[ERROR] - Verification FAILED because (of) (Stack trace: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: token for class: WSVerification1559119880398
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.unwrap(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.PogoGetPropertySite.getProperty(

i edited code i posted
and it should be like this:

def token = response.getHeaderFields().tokenCookie 
myCookie = new Cookie("token", token)
def newResponse = WS.sendRequest(findTestObject(ro.getObjectId(),[('COOKIE'): myCookie]))

Run the access API -> get the body of the access API + with the other APIs, set the token as global variable -> run the other APIs

response1 = WS.sendRequest(findTestObject(‘A’))

def slurper = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()

def result = slurper.parseText(response1.getResponseBodyContent())

response2 = WS.sendRequest(findTestObject(‘B’, [(‘token’) :]))

and do you have token variable in B TO?

A is Login API to get token
B is example of the other APIs
=> (‘token’) is a global variable that you just set one time and use for all the APIs

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Thanks guys