Incorrect display of Cyrillic characters in the Web request response field

Hello! I’m new to Katalon Studio, so I’m asking for help. I needed to write a series of autotests that check the work of the API. The system I work with contains Cyrillic information. But when creating a web request and checking it in the response window, I get a set of characters instead of Cyrillic. While performing the test in the test case, the request gives the correct data. How can I customize the displayed text encoding in the response when I run a query from the object repository?

could be the same issue as here:
For me, UTF-8 decoding was fixed in new Katalon 5.5 release

Alas, I already use version 5.5, I tried both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, all the same the characters are represented in the wrong encoding. Thank you for responding))