File upload

Not able to upload the file :
i am using the upload file function but its not working , is there any alternative?

WebUI.uploadFile(findTestObject(‘CheckOut Page/Add Attachments Tab/Browse box - Add Attachment’), C:\Users\vikas.kiroula\git\Automation-eProc\Data Files\File upload\Doc File\RentReceipt.doc)

try :

WebUI.uploadFile(findTestObject('CheckOut Page/Add Attachments Tab/Browse box - Add Attachment'), 'C:\Users\vikas.kiroula\git\Automation-eProc\Data Files\File upload\Doc File\RentReceipt.doc')

as stated in parameters description, String is expected.

btw, nex time please send at least error message.

i tried using the above code . Still file is not getting uploaded and there is log , test case is feting passed but there is no attachment in the application .

sharing the scripts and application for reference.

Script getting passed

Here in the browse search box , the scripts is ale to write the the path of the file but file not getting uploaded



is there some click on safe form after upload? cannot decipher from that screenshot … sorry if i missed something…

click on browse button , this window will open


you don’t need to press “I’m done” button?

No, I have to upload the file