How to get test suite details like id, status, etc out side of method @AfterTestSuite


I want to make a function inside @AfterTestCase if I run singel test case it will close browser with detect any unique value from testsuite, but if I run test suite it won’t close the browse, is it possible?

How about utilizing GloableVariable?

(1) You define a GlobalVariable named, for example, ‘RUN_AS_A_TESTSUITE’ with initial value boolean false.
(2) In the TestListener method annotated @BeforeTestSuite, you want turn RUN_AS_A_TESTSUITE to true.
(3) In you test case, you want to refer to the RUN_AS_A_TESTSUITE to determine if your test case is invoked from a test suite or not.

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kazurayam said:

How about utilizing GloableVariable?

(1) You define a GlobalVariable named, for example, ‘RUN_AS_A_TESTSUITE’ with initial value boolean false.
(2) In the TestListener method annotated @BeforeTestSuite, you want turn RUN_AS_A_TESTSUITE to true.
(3) In you test case, you want to refer to the RUN_AS_A_TESTSUITE to determine if your test case is invoked from a test suite or not.

Thats good Idea, let me try

Its works, thx