Run tests every x hours

I would like to know if it is possible run the tests cases every x hours in background, something like PHP crons, I am searching in the documentation but I don’t find nothing similar

I’m running in a windows environment, but I suspect it’s pretty similar in Linux / MacOSX

  1. Create a batch/shell file (.bat / .sh) to execute your test suite
  2. schedule your script as required in Task Scheduler (Windows) or cron (Linux / MacOSX )

See Console Mode Execution docs:


Forgot to mention, if you are running every x hours, then it’s probably because your receiving new builds from your devs? if so you might be better using a trigger from your build environment to trigger the launching of the test suite from the command line, then your not trying to execute the test while the software deployment is happening.


dave said:

I’m running in a windows environment, but I suspect it’s pretty similar in Linux / MacOSX

  1. Create a batch/shell file (.bat / .sh) to execute your test suite
  2. schedule your script as required in Task Scheduler (Windows) or cron (Linux / MacOSX )

See Console Mode Execution docs:

Thanks! =D

i did through console mode but is there any run tests for every 3 hours???
i think there is no command line for every x hours…
I hope to hear any comment for this problem…

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You can write your command in a batch file and run it every x hours using Windows Scheduler (or similar).

hi, can u please share the batch file ?

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@echo off
katalon {option1} {option2} ... {optionN}

Writa that to a text file and save it with a .bat extension.

There’s no command lines for every three hours, but another option is to schedule multiple tasks in Task Scheduler (say, for example, one at 6am every day, one at 9am, one at 12pm, etc).

If I understand correctly, you’d need to make sure the previous task was done running before the next one could launch.