ModifyObjectProperty isn't working / doesn't save it's new property

Hey Guys,

im currently fighting with the problem that the declared variable, still has the old property of the object.
Here is my code:

def new_TF22 = WebUI.modifyObjectProperty(findTestObject('blub'), 'xpath', 'equals', '//div[contains(@id, "hazardSubstance_symbols")]/ul/li/input', false)
WebUI.setText(new_TF22, 'GHS 01')

And here is my Console Log…

05-30-2018 11:34:36 AM - [START]  - Start action : Statement - new_TF22 = com.kms.katalon.core.webui.keyword.WebUiBuiltInKeywords.modifyObjectProperty(com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.ObjectRepository.findTestObject(Blub), "xpath", "equals", "//div[contains(@id, "hazardSubstance_symbols")]/ul/li/input", false)
05-30-2018 11:34:36 AM - [INFO]   - Finding Test Object with id 'Blub'
05-30-2018 11:34:36 AM - [INFO]   - Check Test Object
05-30-2018 11:34:36 AM - [INFO]   - Check property name
05-30-2018 11:34:36 AM - [INFO]   - Cannot find property with name 'xpath' in test object 'Blub'. Creating new property with name 'xpath'
05-30-2018 11:34:36 AM - [INFO]   - Check modify value
05-30-2018 11:34:36 AM - [INFO]   - Check match condition
05-30-2018 11:34:36 AM - [PASSED] - Modify property of object successfully
05-30-2018 11:34:36 AM - [END]    - End action : Statement - new_TF22 = com.kms.katalon.core.webui.keyword.WebUiBuiltInKeywords.modifyObjectProperty(com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.ObjectRepository.findTestObject(Blub), "xpath", "equals", "//div[contains(@id, "hazardSubstance_symbols")]/ul/li/input", false)
05-30-2018 11:34:36 AM - [START]  - Start action : click
05-30-2018 11:34:36 AM - [INFO]   - Checking object
05-30-2018 11:34:36 AM - [INFO]   - Checking timeout
05-30-2018 11:34:36 AM - [INFO]   - Finding web element with id: 'Blub' located by 'By.xpath: //div[contains(@id, "hazardSubstance_hazardRatings")]/ul/li/input

It doesn’t make any sense, I also tried it with “true” and “false” as condition, the issue is the same (not that you wonder, why i picked false here).

Is this a bug, or am I missing something?
Or is the xpath not right? I wrote the xpath, as if I would do it in the Object Repository.

The Log states that it’s modified succesfully and picks up the old xpath, when I work with the new set variable.

Thanks in advance for your help!

I wasn’t sure if I’m actually in the right section, so feel free to move my post, if it isn’t o:)

Found a different solution regarding dynamic objects…:

"Jonathan Moore said:
on further testing, I got a working code like:

TestObject dynamicObject = new TestObject('dynamicObject').addProperty('xpath', com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.ConditionType.EQUALS, newXPath, true)
WebUI.waitForElementVisible(dynamicObject, 3)

creating a new object rather than getting a TestObject from the repository and modifying it.

didn’t find this type of usage in the documentation, just guesswork and
hints on the forums, so it would be good to have some clarification
about which is the recommended syntax."#

Hi Guys,

Related to the modifyObjectProperty method:
When the method returns an object, should the new property value not be visible in debug viewer?
I have done this in so many ways and keep on getting the old values in the “selectorCollection” property of the “new” object

//Code, I have tried with def and without def
def to = WebUI.modifyObjectProperty(findTestObject(‘Admin/WF_AuditTrail/AuditLine’), ‘text’,
‘contains’, ‘Duplicate’, false)

In variables viewer on debug mode, i get the below as selectorCollection, which is exactly the old values:
{XPATH=//span[@id=‘form:tree:0:11:ot91’], CSS=null, BASIC=//span[(contains(text(), ‘2019-08-08 19:19:43 - “QC Check duplicates” forwarded to ACC_QC_CEN [Open Workitem] [ withdraw]’) or contains(., ‘2019-08-08 19:19:43 - “QC Check duplicates” forwarded to ACC_QC_CEN [Open Workitem] [ withdraw]’)) and @ref_element = ‘Object Repository/Admin/Admin_MainPage/Frame_Main’]}