Fail to start Appium server in 60 seconds-Error


I am getting error when i am start mobile object spy,
Error as"unable to start application on this device.:Fail to start appium server in 60 seconds"

I checked so many articles, blogs ,but i did not resolve this issue ,
Please some one help me on this to resolve the issue.

I am trying this setup in MAC Machine .
And all software are latest version.(Appium, Xcode, Katalon)

Please,please help me

Thanks .

unable to start appium server.png

You need to provide Appium logs, which can be retrieved at:
"Set your Appium Log Level to ā€œDebugā€ which you can find this option in Windows > Katalon Studio Preferences > Katalon > Mobile to generate debug logs of Appium. After this change is applied, retry your record/spy session and then open generated .appium file in the project folder. "

yes i have changed still i am getting same error,

Appium log debug.png

need to set any desired capabilities ?

unable to start.png

Now its working as expected, it was problem with Appium configuration setup.

@7227-Vijayamahantesh Iā€™m having the same issue.
Can you please elaborate on what you did to solve this?


I am facing the same issue now. Can anybody please help me to solve this ? Thanks in advanceā€¦

Vijayamahantesh said:

Now its working as expected, it was problem with Appium configuration setup.

Vijayamahantesh said:

Now its working as expected, it was problem with Appium configuration setup.

Hi, could you please explain this ? I am facing the same issue now.

The full steps to Troubleshoot according to this guide are:

Set your Appium Log Level to ā€œDebugā€ which you can find this option in Windows > Katalon Studio Preferences > Katalon > Mobile to generate debug logs of Appium.
After this change is applied, retry your record/spy session and then open generated .appium file in the project folder.
Somewhere in this file you are likely will see these lines:
[debug] [ADB] Running '..\adb.exe' with args: [...] ``[debug] [ADB] Found package: '' and fully qualified activity name : 'com.egh.jik' ``[debug] [ADB] Incorrect package and activity. Retrying.
The root cause is Katalon Studio canā€™t start application due to incorrect package and activity by default, so you need to add additional settings to desired capabilities:

  • Navigate to Mobile settings (Project > Settings > Execution > Default > Mobile > Android)
  • Add the following key
    Name: appWaitActivity
    Value: com.* (based on the prefix of ā€˜Found packageā€™ log)

Hope this helps,


@Chris Trevarthen @Vinh Nguyen hello, thanks for the link, I followed the Troubleshooting guideline but donā€™t see any .appium file in project folder (on both Katalon 5.7.1 and 5.8.6)

Only see appium.log file

I see invalid path (Temp\\Katalon) in log file, is it a reason ? C:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Local*Temp\\Katalon*\Appium\Temp1542704635422

[35m[Appium][39m Welcome to Appium v1.8.1

[35m[Appium][39m Non-default server args:

[35m[Appium][39m port: 49998

[35m[Appium][39m chromeDriverPort: 49999

[35m[Appium][39m tmpDir: C:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Local\Temp\\Katalon\Appium\Temp1542704635422

[35m[Appium][39m Appium REST http interface listener started on


it works on another computer, then I restore my laptop and do same thing, it works too

// maybe something wrong with my installation, still donā€™t know why but Iā€™m happy it works, I can continue to dive deeper

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I am getting error unable to start appium in 60 secs for iOS mobile testing. I have tried all the solution on katalon website. But still I stilling getting error.
Node v - 18.5.0
npm v - 9.5.1
appium - 2.0.0-beta.61
Katalon - 8.5.4
X-code - 14.3

Please help me to fix this error.


@Vijayamahantesh Can you please tell me how you have resolved the error. My appium version is 2.0.1, katalon studio version is 8.6.5 and npm version is 9.8.1. windows 11

I have provided the screenshots of some of the configurations i have done

@ayesha15akhtar3a Your issue is that appium version 2.0 is incompatible with Katalon Studio. The easiest way to solve this is to downgrade your appium version to appium 1.22.3 and then try again. There are ways to use remote execution if you need to use appium version 2.0 or above.