Not able to type ${} or [] in target in katalon recorder

not able to type ${} in target in katalon recorder .

It happens the same to me with ‘{’

Not sure what you guys are trying to do or accomplish here? Can you give a sample/context with the problems you’re experiencing?

In my case it happens when I run the tests

Occurs when Katalon performs setText and the text contains the character {. Write everything except {

I think it’s the windows keyboard configuration

Patrick Groot said:

Not sure what you guys are trying to do or accomplish here? Can you give a sample/context with the problems you’re experiencing?

Hi I am trying to write

Command: gotoIf target: ${x}==false .But not able to test this condition as i can not write $,{},


Thank you for using our product. Do I understand it right that you could not type $, {}, [] into the text boxes?

YAlex said:

Yes i Can not type in text boxes


Thank you for using our product. Do I understand it right that you could not type $, {}, into the text boxes?

I’m sorry but I could not reproduce the issue. Could you please make a video or screenshot for us?

I’m having the same issue when using the German keyboard layout in Windows.

Most special characters won’t work in Katalon, like @ and { }.

I have to switch to the US layout (which isn’t all too pratical given windows layout and physical keyboard don’t match) or type the characters/script containing the special characters in notepad and copy it over to Katalon.

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Short video for clearness:

Thank you so much for the video! We’ve fixed the issue with non-US keyboards in 3.5.6.

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