How to keep window open upon execution of Test Suite?

Hi, all.
When I execute a Test Suite, browser window closes automatically. I would like to keep it open, because I like to occasionally run my TC, while writing, to check if it is going as expected.
How can I do that?

Maybe try disabling the close window command at the end of the script?

There is no close window command at the end of the script, but it seems that when a TC is run as a part of the Test Suite, it closes automatically.

In Katalon Studio menu:

Project-> Settings -> Execution -> Default

Check your settings for:

Terminate drivers after each Test Case
Terminate drivers after each Test Suite

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After changing the settings it is still closing does anyone know why this may be?


After changing the settings it is still closing does anyone know why this may be?

Are you perhaps running a Test Suite? Sure you changed the settings for both Test Cases and Test Suite?

Yes both have been changed.

Hi All, did you get it working in the same browser? I have the same issue but have not find a solution, even if I try what it was suggested above.

Any idea?

Perhaps with Selenium?