[Request] Update missing reference commands

[Request] Update missing reference commands.

While we were making test cases we had a situation with manipulated input fields were type, sendKeys and typeKeys didn’t work for us.

Then we came accross the following commands editContent and editContentAndWait. It seems there is no Reference to be found or explenation about those commands.

Maybe there are more commands without any reference.


I’ve done some investigating and I think I’ve found out what they are for. They appear to be related to the contentEditable attribute explained here http://html5doctor.com/the-contenteditable-attribute/

As proof, add a new Test Case and add the following steps:

Step One

  1. Command: open.
  2. Target: http://html5doctor.com/the-contenteditable-attribute/

Step Two

  1. Command: editContent.
  2. Target: //div[@id='example-one']
  3. Value: editContent Test.

Run the test and the text in the editable div of Example One should be changed to ‘editContent Test’

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Thanks for your explanation this is exactly what i needed! Will test this soon in our project and see if this is the case.

The DEMO worked perfectly somehow in our application i don’t get it to work yet! Will investigate this further at a later point. Thanks @Mark Gibson

Anyway i hope the references will be updated in the Katalon Recorder to explain what all commands are about.