some issue after using katalon studio

We have three environments(, and and all of them running under https with same war file, only testing environment’s certificate is self-signed. I ran a test case (Login) via katalon studio from my notebook against After I close the katalon studio, I can’t login successfully. And I checked the server log shows “Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target…”
I have no problem to login to and only failed on from my notebook. All my coworker can login the websites from their computer without any problems. The situation only happens on my notebook. The only different is katalon studio not installed on their notebook. Can someone help me to solve this issue? Thanks,

Version 5.2.0
OS: windows 7 & Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.2
Environment : Chrome 63 & Firefox 57

Have you tried this solution?

Vinh Nguyen said:

Have you tried this solution?
Email configuration issue - #11 by Zarashima - Katalon Studio - Katalon Community

Sorry, it’s not an issue from katalon studio. It’s from the environment from my side.

Hello @Vinh Nguyen,

I am facing the same error as below, when I am trying to integrate the Katalon Analytics in the Katalon studio. pkix path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I have the certificate as I was able to integrate KA in Katalon Studio 5.0.

But I have updated the studio to 5.3.1 and not able to integrate the KA.

Please can you advise as to what should I do to fix it.?

is Katalon changing the env variables on your computer?