Unable set text to elements on popup modal!

Hi there, @“Katalon Studio”
I try to use set text to elements on popup modal but it doesn’t work. I also try to record automation and create test object, however result’s the same.
Could anyone please help me.

I am having trouble with this too. If anyone has a solution, please send me a notification!

So far I’ve tried all of the popup solutions, but my modals are not in iframes or separate windows.

I’ve got the same trouble, when I want to record an automated test, Katalon doesn’t recognize test objects in a popup (attached).


I am having the same issue as Brett where none of the pop-up solutions (https://www.katalon.com/resources-center/tutorials/pop-up-dialog-issue/) are working for me. For example, the allow notifications pop-up, I am not able to use Switch To… as the Object Spy is not capturing objects from that pop-up window.

William - your solution is here: https://docs.katalon.com/display/KD/Using+autoIT+for+authentication+in+Katalon+Studio


Any leads on this query?

For those still struggling with this issue, follow Williams example… post a screenshot so that we know what kind of popup you’re dealing with. It will save a lot of time.

I’m struggling to get to an element that is contained in a modal div element that fills the screen. There is no title for me to use in a switchTo call. For reference, this is an Odoo application that generates a Bootstrap style modal window <div class=“modal in”…> for adding items to a product.

Daniel Ray said:

I’m struggling to get to an element that is contained in a modal div element that fills the screen. There is no title for me to use in a switchTo call. For reference, this is an Odoo application that generates a Bootstrap style modal window <div class=“modal in”…> for adding items to a product.

My problem wasn’t with the modal at all. I was waiting for it to become present and I had the path wrong in my findTestObject(…) call. Fixing the path to match my folder hierarchy solved this issue for me.


I am still unable to set text to elements on a popup modal. Katalon can detect the actual textbox (waitforelementpresent passed), but when I try to settext or sendkeys to it, it does nothing. Please help as I am stuck with this.

Note that I can interact with the “save changes” link and the “Add a field” link. Thus, I find it odd why I cant enter a value inside the textbox.



I am still unable to set text to elements on a popup modal. Katalon can
detect the actual textbox (waitforelementpresent passed), but when I try
to settext or sendkeys to it, it does nothing.

That doesn’t prove Katalon found the text input box, it means it found something you asked it to find which could be something else entirely.

What is the error, if any?

What is the HTML used to render the text input box?

Did you try Set Text? What did that do?

Post as MUCH info as you can, HTML snippets, the properties of your Test Objects, and anything else you think might be relevant.

Does anyone have a solution on how to Interact with a modal (pop-up). I’m trying to automate my tests in Salesforce.com. I’m trying to create a new Lead so, when I click on New Lead a modal pops up but I can not interact with it for some reasons. I have tried SwitchTo key words but none of them are working for me. I tried Switch To Window Title “New Lead” as a value but unfortunately Katolon does not find that title. I also tried to Switch to page index(0) it just stays on the page behind the modal and index(1) cannot be found
Below is a modal pop-up.

Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks

Modal Popup.png


I advise you start a new topic and post more information about your issue. Follow the advice in this post: