How to use JOptionPane.showMessageDialog command in Katalon

Hi, I am trying to use the above command to show information in message dialog box and I have imported libraries
import javax.swing.JFrame as JFrame
import javax.swing.JOptionPane as JOptionPane

and want to use the command like this: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, ‘Services will be generated once all event types and guest count are defined’)

When i run the code Katalon get stuck here and not processing further. It is not giving any error message either.

Am i doing something wrong here.

This is my code:
String ShiftGridText_Expected= WebUI.getText(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Locators/Events/Shift Grid Panel/Shift Grid Text’))
//WebUI.println('Shift Grid Text Present= ’ + ShiftGridTextNotPresent)

WebUI.println('Shift Grid Expected Text = '+ ShiftGridText_Expected)
if (ShiftGridText_Expected == ShiftGridText)

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, ‘Services will be generated once all event types and guest count are defined’)

else {

SynchronizeText = WebUI.verifyElementPresent(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Locators/Events/Shift Grid Panel/Shift Synchronization Required text’),

if (SynchronizeText == true) {'Object Repository/Locators/Events/Shift Grid Panel/Synchronize button'))


I think there is nothing wrong with the script. However, since I could not debugging to understand the root-cause, it is difficult to say if all the code work properly.