data driven testcases

HI i have seen below tutorial


but in this tutorial its mentioned to create variable name in testcases same as mentioned in test script,

i created as per mentioned steps , added bot test case and testscript in Test suite and then execute script.

DO i have to make any changes in test cases also?

That’s outdated guide. You should read this one instead:

For your current question: you don’t need to make any changes in the test case, just need to create variables for it.

I am following this tutorial:

Doing this section:**B. **Execute from a test case and getting this message:
Cases/DDT-test case FAILED because (of) Unable to verify object ‘Object
Repository/Page_CURA Healthcare Service (3)/button_Book Appointment’ is
present (Root cause:
com.kms.katalon.core.webui.exception.WebElementNotFoundException: Web
element with id: ‘Object Repository/Page_CURA Healthcare Service
(3)/button_Book Appointment’ located by ‘By.xpath: //button[@id =
‘btn-book-appointment’ and @type = ‘submit’ and (text() = ‘Book
Appointment’ or . = ‘Book Appointment’)]’ not found)

Test Cases/DDT-test

I did this section:A. Execution from test suites and I had no problem like above.

Section A and B supposed to give me same result. Why the error? Pls help