Does Katalon support an old Jira 5?


we use an old Jira 5 at our work. I tried to integrate it with Katalong but without success. It sais that the url is not valid. So, does Katalon support Jira 5?

Ok, I compared the Jira APIs 5 and 6.1

In the version 5 there isn’t such method rest/api/2/myself.

Is it possible to configure the Jira in Katalon manually?

Ok, I compared the Jira APIs 5 and 6.1

In the version 5 there isn’t such method rest/api/2/myself.

Is it possible to configure the Jira in Katalon manually?

Hi there,

You should upgrade your JIRA to 6+ for best use with JIRA integration with Katalon Studio. I think API v1 have many bugs so JIRA decides to use v2 for JIRA 6+.


Hi there,

Which URL you are using to pass in Katalon Studio? That error message comes from JIRA API, not from Katalon Studio :slight_smile:
