Not Capture object on the Chrome website : Active Browser

Somebody can I help me. It’s impossible to capture Object on the website in Chrome(version 66.0.3359.18) I have Chromedriver and shotrcut (Alt + a), I use Active Browser. On the website I have the message Captured object : alt A with code source Html) but When I use the keyboard shortcuts nothing has captured.
Thank you

what are you trying to capture? have you inspected and wrote out the xpath?

I would like to capture with spy web it’s simpler. The Objects are detected but they doesn’t captured. Same with recording. I would like capture for exemple “input header Search”

Which I can understand but sometimes if the capture is off only option is to manually write out the xpath yourself


Ok thank you

Phil said:

I would like to capture with spy web it’s simpler. The Objects are detected but they doesn’t captured. Same with recording. I would like capture for exemple “input header Search”

Try to use right clic instead of left clic in web recorder (see : 5.8.6 : Record web in active browser Chrome not working well - Archive - Katalon Community)