After play the test suites and the drop down filter can't be recognize, the recording suddenly close

hi guys…
im a beginner and trying to make it but i couldn’t help myselft to solve this problem.
after i starting to play the test suite and the program stopped. No option matched. unable to select option by value
can you help me to solved it?

No option matched.

11-12-2018 10:03:39 AM - [FAILED] - Unable to select option by value ‘Perempuan’ of object ‘Object Repository/Page_SI-DPLK/select_–Pilih-- _3’ using regular expression (Root cause: No option matched.)

11-12-2018 10:03:39 AM - [FAILED] - Test Cases/OPRPusatIndividu/Registrasi_DPLK FAILED because (of) (Stack trace: com.kms.katalon.core.exception.StepFailedException: Unable to select option by value ‘Perempuan’ of object ‘Object Repository/Page_SI-DPLK/select_–Pilih-- _3’ using regular expression (Root cause: No option matched.)

at com.kms.katalon.core.keyword.internal.KeywordMain.stepFailed(KeywordMain.groovy:36)