Using SendKeys test case execution slows down dramatically

I have recorded some TC, where page has some input text fields.

I have defined local variables with default values.

I am using sendKeys from customKeyword, it is random after first run the test case execution slows down dramatically and the input one char at time seems stuck.

am using latest KatalonStudio on Windows10, browser Chrome.

Is this a known issue, or there is any workaround?

Thanks. Kind Regards.

Try another browser - do you get different results?

Try another environment - do you get different results?

Also, see if anything from this thread helps…

Hello Russ ,

Test fails on Firefox and IE, and Edge as well.

Basically the html page calls a dialog with two panels, with a few text fields.

I have tried

1. setText and which is stuck on the element

2. sendKeys within a custom method that make sure the element is *present *visible

point 2 randomly but always slows down picking input char-by-char.

thank you -