Couldn't create katalaon image in docker for windows machine

I have installed docker in my windows 10.
When I run the command “docker pull katalonstudio/katalon”, I am getting this below error:

latest: Pulling from katalonstudio/katalon
image operating system “linux” cannot be used on this platform

I have rechecked whether my docker is in windows using “right click on docker”.

But not sure why this error occurring.

Can anyone please help?

docker katalon.png

There is a command line tool to switch the engine.

So In Windows Search field, type ‘Powershell’ and then launch the application. (If not worked try launching it as admin). In a PowerShell windows you can type

& 'C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\DockerCli.exe' -SwitchDaemon

and it switches from Linux to Windows or vice versa.

Take care and type the option as shown here as the option is case sensitive.


Thanks for you support @6361-Anuraj.

I got a solution without docker.
Actually I stucked on katalon integration with VSTS and the problem was like “container not found to execute katalon.exe”
I got this problem because my katalon works and the build project are in different directories.
Later I have added a “deployment group” above of katalon command line in VSTS.
Now it is working :slight_smile:

Neethu said:

Thanks for your support @6361-Anuraj.

I got a solution without docker.
Actually I stucked on katalon integration with VSTS and the problem was like “container not found to execute katalon.exe”
I got this problem because my katalon works and the build project are in different directories.
Later I have added a “deployment group” above of katalon command line in VSTS.
Now it is working :slight_smile:

@Neethu1 @Neethu How you were able to pull Katalon Linux image on windows platform? I am getting the same error and docker is running in windows container mode. I don’t find docker Katalon image for windows. Can you please suggest the possible solution with the steps? I’m trying to run Katalon scripts in Docker.
Thank you