Why doesn't this FOR set work?

Thank you for your help.
Yes, I liked your suggestions.


Have you already abandoned your project in Katalon Studio, or still continuing/learning?

finished the job with 1 day of work

Once you mentioned that you expect the job takes 46 days to run. But now you wrote you’ve done the same in 1 day, do you?

What’s the difference? Do you still do Web Page scraping? Or you have changed the design and you uses immediate DB connection?

Now, reimplement your solution in java. For fun!

To me, it seems that he required a new way of executing test processings in parallel on a machine with Multiple-core-CPU (e.g. AWS EC2 M5: 96 vCPU). I have invented it for Katalon Studio. See the following topic:

… sorry, I’m joking. I haven’t tested any project empowered by TestClosure on EC2 M5. Just I hoped it.