Unable to Swipe

And another question is can I just change the resource-ID within the Object repository for Katalon to treat each dropdown as a group? Just tryin to find another way to resolve this issue without getting the dev involved you know? Even if I can just scroll down 10 pixels at a time I can just run the same command 10 or more times to get to the right destination, just trying to get it done on my own.
Just FYI for the swipe code I was running the following code line let me know if I did it correctly or not:
‘Swipe Vertical from top to bottom’
Mobile.swipe(360, 204, 360, 816)
height as : 1289 and the width is : 720
Following the methods below:
startX = 360 //screen width divided by 2

startY = 204//screen height multiplied by 0.2

endX = 360//screen width divided by 2

endY = 816 //screen height multiplied by 0.8