Unable to Swipe

Hi @Alan_Chan1,

Here are a few things you can try:

  1. The endY value might be calculated incorrectly. According to the documentation, it’s a relative position, so you might want to try some different numbers (including negative, if you’re trying to scroll down on the screen).

  2. Check out this blog post where someone creates their own method for scrolling using a Javascript function (it’s for iOS, but it looks like it would work on Android)

  3. Try this other forum post where someone used the TouchAction to create a scrolling effect: ***URGENT - Mobile.swipe does not execute (screen stays static) but passes in log [Updated]

  4. I have an open source library, katalon-mobile-util, which has some convenience methods for scrolling through a list of the same class of elements: https://github.com/detroit-labs/katalon-mobile-util#scrolling

    If you’re interested in using this library, here’s some Katalon documentation on using third party libraries: https://docs.katalon.com/katalon-studio/tutorials/import_java_library.html

    Katalon Studio allows users to import external Java .jar libraries either through Katalon project settings or copying .jar files to a designated folder.

    You can get the library jar file at:


Hope this helps,


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