Unable to start application on this device: an unknown server-side (Windows)

Hi @Sheri_Ochoa1,

This sounds like an issue with the Desired Capability settings for appWaitActivity or appWaitPackage:


It looks like the app you’re testing might be using 2 different packages, and Appium doesn’t know which one to start.

You can set the Desired Capabilities settings to tell Katalon Studio (and the underlying Appium) how to launch an app.

  1. You can edit the settings by going to Project->Settings and then expanding Desired Capabilities->Mobile->Android.
  2. Choose the emulator or device you’re going to test on from the Device Name dropdown.
  3. Click the Add button to add a new appWaitPackage property of type String. Set the Value to com.smartmobile.pawtree, com.tradeweb.mainSDK which should work to capture both of the packages in your application.
  4. Hit Enter (not doing so will erase the text field)
  5. Add a new property for appWaitActivity of type String and Value *.MainActivity.
  6. Hit Enter
  7. Click the Apply button
  8. Click the OK button
  9. Try to Spy Mobile again

Hope this helps,
