To all devs- i have created a jenkins job to checkout code from GITHUB and create apk, now need help to run katalon test suite on the apk

Hi @Bal_Mukund,

You can definitely run tests on an emulator instead of a real device, but you’ll need to start the emulator first. You can start an installed emulator from the command line using some commands here:

Hardcoding the path to the APK seems OK to me if it’s not going to change. You can use a relative path in the startApplcation command so it’s not so brittle. I think you could also pass the location of the APK file on the command line, but it’s a bit tricky. Here’s a thread about it: How to pass user defined parameters from command line

As for installing Katalon Studio automatically, you might have luck with running Katalon Studio in a Docker container, as mentioned here:
There’s also a Katalon Jenkins plugin which could take care of that for you:

Hope this helps,
