Katalon project very slow to open on startup of Katalon --- VPN?

In the .classpath file I found

<classpathentry kind="lib"
     path="C:/Users/mgrandillo/Downloads/Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-7.7.2/Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-7.7.2/plugins/com.kms.katalon.core_1.0.0.202101290615.jar" sourcepath="C:/Users/mgrandillo/Downloads/Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-7.7.2/Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-7.7.2/configuration/resources/source/com.kms.katalon.core/com.kms.katalon.core-sources.jar">

This line indicates that this .classpath file was created by Katalon Studio 7.7.2. On the other hand @mgrandillo is using Katalon Studio ver 7.9.1 now. The versions are mismatching. I guess that this discrepancy is the reason why he experiences the slow startup of KS project.

I experimented on my PC. I downloaded the .classpath file which @mgradillo provieded, overwrite it into one of my Katalon Project X. I started KS on my PC and opened my Project X, and watched how the <projectX>/.classpath file. Of course it was the same as the @mgradillo’s one, but after some seconds passed the file was overwritten by Katalon Studio. The Project X launched successfully. I checked the .classpath file and found it was new — compliant to KS v7.9.1.

This experiment tells me that the .classpath file will be silently/automatically overwritten by Katalon Studio at project startup. Therefore it is safe to delete the .classpath file, as it will be restored anyway.

However, as noted, @mgrandillo is using KS 7.9.1 while in his project he has a .classpath file for KS7.7.2. I don’t see the reason why this could happen. Why his KS 7.9.1 does not overwrite the .classpath file in his project? Katalon Studio seems to have some fault here, is not robust enough.

@ThanhTo, @duyluong

Similar issue is here


Anyway, I would recommend you to try

  1. take a full backup of your project just in case of mistakes
  2. stop Katalon Studio
  3. delete <yourProject>/.classpath file — to avoid the version discrepancy found above
  4. delete <yourProject>/bin directory as well — to make the project clean
  5. restart Katalon Studio, open the project

and see


Do you use Git for your project? If yes, do you save .classpath file in the Git repository? I think you should NOT save the .classpath file. Just .gitignore it.

The following is the .gitignore file generated by KS 7.9.1:







