Katalon 7.9 => error "Caused by: java.lang.ClassFormatError: CustomKeywords"


Here I assume that you are a well-trained programmer and use the Script mode of Test Case editor in Katalon Studio; you rarely use Manual mode.

You can create a new test case "Test Cases/TC1" where you have a single line of Groovy script:

println CustomKeywords.'test.common.TimeHelper.getServerTimestamp'('yyyyMMdd000000', 1, 0)

You can write another test case "Test Cases/TC2" in the Script mode as the following:

import test.common.TimeHelper
println TimeHelper.getServerTimestamp('yyyyMMdd000000', 1, 0)

TC2 is also valid, it will work.

I want you to note:

  1. The "CustomKeyword.xxxxxx" notation was introduced for the Manual mode of Test Case editor. The Test Case editor is designed to show a dropdown list: and this GUI design is expressed as the format of "CustomKeyword.xxxxx" in the Script mode. This is the only reason why Katalon Studio employs that notation.
  2. If you do not use Manual mode GUI, you do not have to use "CustomKeyword.xxxxxx" notation in test cases at all.
  3. In *.groovy files under the Keywords folder, you would be tempted to write @Keyword annotation. The @Keyword annotation informs KS Manual mode so that the annotated class/method is to be included in the GUI dropdown list; this is the only reason why @Keyword annotation is there. Again, if you do not use the Manual mode, then you do not need the @Keyword annotation at all.
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