I want to name TestObjects in my native language

I made a project to check the v7.1.0 rc1 to see if the internationalization problem has beem fixed. The project is shared on GitHub at

I found that v7.1.0 rc1 has been much improved. Let me note a list of changes at v7.1.0 rc1 I found:

  1. The Katalon Project can have name containing non Latin characters. For example サンプルproject .
  2. Test Cases directory can contain folders and test cases named with non Latin characters. For example Test Cases/DataDrivenTestingのサンプル and Test Cases/example/MS/画面確認 .
  3. Object Repository directory can contain folders and test objects named with non Latin characters. For example Object Repository/MS/FundData/手数料情報/解約時信託財産留保額 .
  4. Test Suites directory can contain folders, test suites and test suite collections named with non Latin characters. For example Test Suites/サンプル/テストスイートTS1 .
  5. Data Files directory can contain folders and data file named with non Latin characters. For example Data Files/サンプル/テストデータviaExcel .
  6. Description of project, test cases, test suites, test objects had a problem: the text is shown in UNICODE escape sequence. See my previous post at I18N problem: Description of a TestCase in Japanese displayed in UNICODE string . This problem is also addressed by the v7.1.0 rc1.

These changes are fine. Here I attached a screenshot which shows how the Tests Explorer looks like. The folders and objects named in 日本語 look much more familiar and easier for me.

Tests Explorer

Stuff to be improved

I found a few problems in the Basic Report plugin with respect to the internationalized names of Test cases etc.

  1. The Basic Report result shows the name of a test case 画面確認 in UNICODE escape sequence as \u753B\u9762\u78BA\u8A8D . I want the name to be shown in raw Japanese, not escaped. BasicReportResult
  2. The PDF exported by the Basic Report pluging seems to be unable to show any non Latin characters. See the attached PDF example. I have a test object named MS/FundData/h2_手数料情報 , but it is printed in the PDF as MS/FundData/h2_ . I think that that PDF is not enabled to print Japanese characters because appropriate Font is not configured.