How to write Katalon Studio tests with IntelliJ IDEA and other IDEs

I have given up the idea of testing my custom keywords with JUnit outside Katalon Studio; I mean in Eclipse.

I want to do unit-tests on my custom keyword class com.kazurayam.ksbackyard.ScreenshotDriver. This class interacts with WebDriver to take screenshot of web sites, therefore it requires the Katalon Studio runtime environment. It is impossible to mock the KS runtime environment in Eclipse, so I gave up.

I am going to investigate 2 more options, both will be performed within Katalon Studio GUI:

  1. Use Cucumber (which is built-in Katalon Studio) for testing my custom keyword classes
  2. Develop another custom keyword “runJUnit” and call it in ordinary Katalon Test Cases. The keyword should make it easier to run JUnit tests located in the Includes/scripts/groovy directory. I also want to find some way to view the testing results in concise format.
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