How can I unzip a zipped folder?

Hello All,

In one of my scripts I need to download a folder containing PDF’s, read the contained PDF’s, and validate the proper information is displayed.

I am attempting to read the PDF’s within the folder but failing and I believe it is because the folder is zipped.

I attempted to unzip the folder with AntBuilder but was not able to figure it out.

Has anyone else ran into this issue and come up with a resolution? If anyone knows of a way to read the PDF’s without unzipping the folder that would resolve my issue as well.


I believe that AntBuilder’s unzip task is the best solution in Groovy.

I checked if I can use AntBuilder in Katalon’s Test case. I was surprised that I can’t. I checked the reason why, and found that we need to somehow add the ant’s jar in the project’s classpath.

I tested as follows on Katalon Studio 7.6.6

I downloaded ant-1.9.6.jar from the Maven Central where I clicked the link to the jar (1.9 MB). I saved the jar file in the <projectDir>/Drivers directory.

I stopped/restarted the Katalon Studio in order to let it acknowledge the downloaded jar file.

In my Katalon Studio project, I created a test case “TC1” as follows:

import groovy.util.AntBuilder

def ant = new AntBuilder()   // create an antbuilder
ant.mkdir(  dir:'tmp2')
ant.unzip(  src:"",
			overwrite:"true" )

I have a zip file named in the project directory.

This test case worked for me.

Thank you for the information!

I did not download the jar file when I was attempting this. Ill be sure to consult this reply when I have time to attempt this again later this week.

That worked!