FailureHandling Change breaks legacy code (was STOP_ON_FAILURE does not stop a test when verifyElementPresent returns false)

I think this confirms the behavior of verifyElementPresent now behaves as it did previously (as per @Jass’s post here).

The code tested in Katalon Studio 7.0.10:

wam('Nav to Katalon "About us" page')



wam('Check some links are accessible')

WebUI.verifyLinksAccessible(['', ''])

wam('Create a null test object')

TestObject to = null

wam('Try to verify a null test object (1)')

if (!(WebUI.verifyElementPresent(to, 5, FailureHandling.OPTIONAL))) {
    wam('null object, OPTIONAL')

wam('Try to verify a null test object (2)')

if (!(WebUI.verifyElementPresent(to, 5, FailureHandling.CONTINUE_ON_FAILURE))) {
    wam('null object, CONTINUE')

wam('Try to verify a null test object - THIS SHOULD STOP THE TEST! (3)')

if (!(WebUI.verifyElementPresent(to, 5, FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE))) {
    wam('null object, STOP (shouldn\'t see this)')

wam('Test should NOT reach this line!')


Reminder: Numbered lines in the output are NOT warnings – that’s how wam comments work in my Katalon test environment.

Key point: STOP_ON_FAILURE now prevents all subsequent code from executing when the element does not exist. There is no sign of the last two comments in the output.