Enable persist global variables values when running a test

if you really want to update the global variables permanently, there is an workaround, see:

read the topic carefully.

however, i strongly advice against it, better use another solution (write them into a separate file/database, use a custom class etc)

note that Katalon it is not following Postman in this approach, where you can override Environment variables through the Global ones so you can safely preserve the initial values but still keep the end of run values … if used with caution.
there is a single Profile in use at a time so any changes straight into the initial values will lead to data loss.

better, write a tear-down method to export all global variables values to a third-party file at the end of the suite execution for debug purposes.
you can use an xml factory to have them in the same structure as the profiles are using, so in case you need them for next execution you can quickly create a new profile from it by using script mode.

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