Jenkins Execute Command error

E:\Environmental\jenkins\workspace\katalon>E:\Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-5.3.1\katalon.exe  -propertiesFile="E:\superman\" -runMode=console  Starting Groovy-Eclipse compiler resolver.  Specified compiler level: unspecified131 2.4.7.xx-201611170128-e46 = ACTIVEjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant com.kms.katalon.execution.webui.driver.RemoteWebDriverConnector.RemoteWebDriverConnectorType."Selenium" Configuration:browserType=ChromeremoteWebDriverUrl=""remoteWebDriverType="Selenium" projectPath=E\:\\superman\\superman.prjreportFolder=E\:\\superman\\reporterreportFileName=htmlOutretry=0testSuitePath=Test Suites/New Test Suite

Below is a Windows 7 command line for running a Test Suite…

katalon -runMode=console -projectPath=“C:\Katalon Studio\Kuali\Kuali.prj” -reportFolder=“Reports/Kuali” -reportFileName=“Kuali” -retry=0 -testSuitePath=“Test Suites/Kuali” -browserType=“chrome”

Notice all the arguments start with “-”…
-projectPath="<precise location and name of project’s xxx.prj file using back slashes>"…
-testSuitePath="<relative location from “project name folder” using forward slashes…
-reportFolder="<relative location from “project name folder” using forward slashes…

-testSuitePath=“Test Suites/New Test Suite”

I configured jenkins on a linux system, remotely run commands to another virtual machine in jenkins, and then started the browser on that virtual machine. The command is as follows:
katalon -noSplash -runMode = console -projectPath = / home / soft / download / LinuxKatalonTest / LinuxKatalonTest.prj -retry = 0 -testSuitePath =“Test Suites / New Test Suite”-remoteWebDriverType =“Selenium” - executionProfile =“default”-remoteWebDriverUrl =“”-browserType =“Remote”
However, running an error:
Test Cases/Login FAILED because (of) java.awt.HeadlessException:
No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.
Please help solve it, thank you

Any solution ? I have the same error : No enum constant com.kms.katalon.execution.webui.driver.RemoteWebDriverConnector.RemoteWebDriverConnectorType.Selenium-remoteWebDriverUrl