Variable URL

Hey Guys,

I’m pretty new to Katalon i’m currently just using it to test the contact forms on our website we have one at the bottom of every page they are all the exact same.

Would it be possible for me to just make 1 test case, set the “Navigate to url” to something like this and have it loop through all the variables this way i won’t have to make a new test case for every page we have (25) and instead can just add the URL slug to a data file?


I have the same question

Okay i figured out how to do this so if anyone has the same question in the future follow the below.

  1. Create your test case as usual

  2. Click on the “Variables” tab on the test case and add a new one.

  3. Create a data file. Test Data > Data Type (Internal Data)

  4. Next layout the data file with the URLs you wish to cycle through.

  5. Create a Test Suite and add in what you wish to test, click on “Show data binding” button and add the “Test Data” we just created next add your Variable binding.

Hope this helps.






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Please have a look at this:

Hope this helps.

Please find here answer to initial question:

Hello, first I would say that our post helped me a lot, merci beaucoup for this :wink:
But in the same time I a had issue during a while trying to follow your instruction because there were an “interference” between my variable that I called, in the first time as you did and an other one (I assume it is also a variable but I am just a beginner in programmation) that was already declared by the following line in my code: import org.assertj.core.util.URLs as URLs
The solution I found was to change the name of my variable
Again, thanks a lot