How to wait for angular api calls to finish just like in protractor?

How to wait for angular API calls to finish just like in protractor ??

I see a lot of different type of waits available but sometimes changes take place on UI but the angular calls are still not finished.

Can you please add a keyword to wait for the same.

Here is a reference to wait for angular, ajax and js script

the code on this page takes care of waiting for angular, ajax or js script. this method placed before any action will do the trick…

thanks for the cool product guys…katalon is a cool name !!!

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Hi there,

Thanks for your suggestions. We will note your suggestions and plan to build a keyword like that later.


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Vinh Nguyen said:

Hi there,

Thanks for your suggestions. We will note your suggestions and plan to build a keyword like that later.


@Vinh Nguyen , Do you have some news about it? or any new suggestion to solve the problem in the latest version of Katalon Studio (5.6+)?

Do you know if the Selenium source code presented by @Rahul Rana can be imported and used as a custom keyword? is it possible in any way?

I tried to copy/paste the source code to a custom keyword class script, but some sintaxe errors appeared.

I tried other possible solutions like WebUI.waitForElementClickable(), but it didn’t work too.
